This award is intended for womyn who need it in order to be able to attend the festival. If that describes you, we warmly invite you to enter the drawing.
Please note: We never expected word of our little project to spread outside our area. Since our fundraising has been a local, community self-help effort, we feel we should restrict eligibility for our awards to womyn in need in the Greater Lansing, Michigan area, the group we identified in our statement of purpose. We are very sorry not to be able to include even more womyn--but we hope other womyn are doing similar things in their own neighborhoods!
We will draw as many names as we can send to the Festival.
One entry per womon, please.
We ask each entrant to participate in this community effort by making a small donation ($3-5) to the fund.
We endorse and adhere to the policies of the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival.
Thanks for honoring the spirit of our project.
Festival information: